Today, Emily and Melissa drink some kriek with Danny. Also, Emily and Melissa have a “moment.” There is only one more video after this one, and it can only go downhill from here.
To learn more about kriek, and more specifically, Transatlantique Kriek, read below.

Serious Eats put together a cool map of the country that highlights a favorite beer in each state. It was put together by all the various contributors to Serious Eats’ drinks section. I always enjoy infographics like this, as it helps me to hear about other breweries that I don’t have access to here in Nevada. Later, if I’m in another state and I see something I recognize, I’ll know to pick it up. (more…)
If you only watch one of the Emily and Melissa Drink Beer videos, make it this one. Gueuze is probably one of the most unique beers there is. I’ve given gueuze to friends who like sour beers, thinking that they’d enjoy gueuze, but they had reactions very similar to this. Read more about gueuze below.
When we last saw our heroes, Emily, Melissa, and Danny were drinking Full Sail Old Boardhead Barleywine Ale, which they eloquently described by stating that it “looks like a sunset,” “it tastes like brown,” and something about a Disneyland ride.
We now join in on their embarkment into mead territory, with a metheglin from Redstone Meadery. Want to learn more about meads? Continue reading below for more details.
2013 was a great year for us and we want to thank you all for continuing to read and share our articles, tagging your photos #hookedonhops, and saying hello to us when we are out at a bar or festival. We appreciate all of it, and we are excited for what’s to come in 2014!
In the meantime, I have compiled the articles and topics that were the most popular over the past year. Enjoy! (more…)
We have created new Emily and Melissa Drink Beer videos! First up, Full Sail Brewing Company’s 2012 Old Boardhead Barleywine Ale.
For additional backstory behind these videos, read below

Lagers tend to not get the same amount of respect within the craft beer community that ales do. The name alone tends to bring up connotations of industrially brewed “fizzy yellow beer,” despite there being about 20 different styles of lagers to choose from. This likely stems from the fact that most craft breweries start out focusing on ales, likely because they are cheaper to make. Lagers not only require a lower fermentation temperature, they also require a much longer aging process, tying up fermentors that could’ve turned over a couple batches of ale. While there are several craft brewers in America that are known for their lagers, they tend to focus on making traditional examples of the styles.
What I would like to see, is the sort of innovation and creativity that American brewers have used to create very uniquely American ales, but towards the different lager styles. (more…)

COCHON 555 was founded as a means to help raise the awareness of heritage breed pigs. These are pigs that are raised and grown naturally, providing a richer, more robust flavor when compared to their blue collar counterparts: factory raised industrial pigs. Naturally, the only way to preserve these upper class heritage pigs is to eat as many of them as possible!
COCHON events feature several whole heritage pigs, along with several chefs to prepare various dishes using every piece of the pig. Jokes aside, the idea is that through these nationwide events, consumer awareness will be raised, not just of heritage pigs, but also of sustainable food systems.
One of the event’s sponsors, Crispin Cider, was generous enough to provide us access to the Las Vegas COCHON event, located at Commonwealth downtown. To ensure that these pigs are getting the awareness that they deserve, Danny and I made sure to overindulge, and binge eat as many pork products as possible. That was the point of all this, right? (more…)

About a year ago my life was changed. I had The Bruery’s Black Tuesday for the first time, drinking in a line at Great American Beer Festival, amongst strangers I had befriended, they told me I was in for a 19.2% ABV treat. I fell for Tuesday, but that’s a longer drunken story. Luckily, The Bruery had a membership plan just for me and any other person who was in love with Tuesday. (Because I don’t care if Monday’s blue) Additionally, this membership goes on sale for the next year on TUESDAY, so if you want to know a rundown of the Society, read up!

Truth be told, this is the first of Russian River’s sour beers that I’ve tried. I have had their hoppy beers though, including a fresh bottle of Pliny The Elder (however I am more of a Blind Pig fan). So when given the opportunity, being the sour fan that I am, I happily picked up a bottle of Temptation.