A Quick Thank You From Hooked on Hops

| December 31st, 2012 | 2 comments

Before the festivities of New Years Eve are underway, I wanted to take a brief moment to thank you all.

Over the past year, the site has had visitors from all 50 states and several countries around the world.

Thank you all for reading, following, and liking. Thank you for the shares and retweets. Thank you for saying hi when you see any of us out in public. And thank you to Armando, Danny, Goran, Grant, Melissa, and Emily for writing and contributing to the site.

We have plenty more fun planned for 2013. Thank you all and happy New Year!

Danny is a Ninja

| December 28th, 2012 | No comments

We’ve toyed with the idea of making some sort of video series for the site, but could never come up with the right way to go about it that involves our love of craft beer, with our sense of humor. That was until Melissa Marth, of The Big Friendly Corporation, and Emily Miller agreed to get involved as well. They don’t have nearly the obsession for craft beer that we have, so we though it would be interesting to have them taste a few of our favorite beers, and get their reactions. It also helps that they are two of the funniest people I know.

So Danny sat down with them for what was supposed to be a quick 5 minute video of them tasting 5 different beers. However, they showed up after a couple bottles of wine, and we instead got 40 minutes of drunken ramblings. So, this will be broken up into 5 different videos, one for each beer, and each one progressively becoming slightly more belligerent.

So, without further ado, here is the first of the videos, my favorite sour beer, New Belgium La Folie.
*Parental discretion is advised*